Leather Sofa Repairs & Restoration Services

A dedicated service for Leather Sofa Repairs has been set up by the Leather Repair Company Withernsea.

The Leather Repair Company can deal with all aspects of Leather Sofa Repairs for you.

The types of services that can be carried out on leather sofas is as follows,

  • Colour loss to leather sofas
  • Cat scratches to Leather Sofas
  • Tears and Rips to leather sofas
  • Scratches to leather sofas
  • Colour changes to leather sofas

The company offers a complete nationwide Leather Sofa Repairs service, covering the whole of the UK with fully trained technicians on hand to help with all Leather Sofa repairs that are required to be carried out.

The below picture shows you a Pink child’s chair and foot stool prior to any leather sofa repairs were carried out.

Leather Sofa repairs Before Repairs

The picture below shows you the same child’s chair and foot stool after a full re colour was carried out by the Leather sofa repairs Company.

Leather Sofa Repairs After Repairs and Restoration

As you can tell from the two pictures above any type of repairs can be carried out to leather sofas and chairs.

If you are  looking for a leather sofa repairs service then contact the company directly Leather Sofa Repairs

The Leather Sofa repairs services  are offered by a company who are a family run business who have been involved in leather for 30 years or more and have a great team on hand to help all over the UK and in some other countries around the world.

You can contact the company by calling 01482 606864 or by clicking the link above and go directly to the web site for further details about any repairs you require to be carried out by the trained technicians.